Friday, October 22, 2010

Explored for Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung cancer currently ranks as the leading cause of cancer related death in men and women. Trends in lung cancer related deaths, are largely attributed to trends in smoking over the past several decades. In 2008, the American Cancer Society estimates 215,020 new cases will be diagnosed and 161,870 deaths due to lung cancer will occur in the United States alone.Traditional treatment for lung cancer are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, ans photodtnamic therapy.Your treatment will depend on what kind of lung cancer you have, and what stage your cancer is at (how serious it is).In the case of surgery... there are many kinds of surgery for lung cancer, such as pneumonectomy (where one entire lung is removed), lobectomy (where a section "lobe" of the lung is removed), a segmentectomy / wedge resection (where part of a lobe is removed), laser surgery ( where a high-energy beam of light destroys the cancer cells in a tumor).In the case of radiation therapy... this therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells. In the case of chemotherapy... means taking anti-cancer drugs, either by swallowing them or by injection. In the case of targeted drug therapy... these are newer cancer treatments that work by targeting specific abnormalities in cancer cells. Targeted therapy options for treating lung cancer include.Bevacizumab (Avastin), which stops a tumor from creating a new blood supply. Blood vessels that connect to tumors can supply oxygen and nutrients to the tumor, allowing it to grow. Bevacizumab is usually used in combination with chemotherapy and is approved for advanced and recurrent non-small cell lung cancer. Erlotinib (Tarceva), which blocks chemicals that signal the cancer cells to grow and divide. Erlotinib is approved for people with advanced and recurrent non-small cell lung cancer that haven't been helped by chemotherapy. Doctors are getting better at diagnosing and treating lung cancer, which means people with lung cancer have a better chance of recovering and living longer. Still, lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. It's also important to remember that not all lung cancers are the same, and that the treatment or the prognosis for one patient with lung cancer may be very different than the next person with lung cancer.For instance, we all know or should know that a weakened immune system leads to cancer... while a strong immune system seeks out and destroys cancer cells. For most of your life, the immune system has successfully dealt with cancer cells, killing them off as they developed. For cancer to have developed in you, your immune system must have become worn out, ineffective and unable to deal with the cancer cells.Thus it is vital in your battle against cancer to strengthen the immune system. Many natural supplements and a proper diet supports the immune system. Lung cancer is not something to pussyfoot around with.

Source by ezine


fertus said...

good article for this post