Monday, November 22, 2010

Cancer Treatment and Medication

Cancer is abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in human body. Broadly cancer can be categorized as 1.Carcinoma
2. Sarcoma
3. Leukemia
4. Central Nervous System (CNS) Cancer
5. Lymphoma and MyelomaCarcinoma is a cancer that begins in skin and the tissues lining internal organs. Sarcoma is cancer of the bones, cartilages, blood vessels or muscle. Leukemia is blood cancer and CNS cancer is the cancer of brain and spinal cord. Other common types of cancers are bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer, endometrial cancer, renal cell cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and thyroid cancer. Cancer can be detected by strange growth of body tissues, biopsy and other tests.
Stages in Cancer
All forms of Cancer start at the cellular level. Cancer damages the genetic composition of a cell and alters the DNA coding. Once the DNA of a cell is changed by a carcinogen, the cells do not die and such cells accumulate to form a callus of dead cells called tumor. There are 2 types of tumors
1. Benign tumor
2. Malignant tumor
Malignant tumors are cancerous and their spreading to other organs is termed as metastasis.
Causes of Cancer
Cancer causing agents are called carcinogens. Smoking, tobacco, inheritance, exposure to radioactive substances, exposure to UV Radiations, unsafe sex, lack of physical activity, blood transfusion and environmental factors are the major causes of different forms of cancer.
  1. Smoking is responsible for one-third of all cancer fatalities. Almost all cases of lung cancer can be associated to smoking. Smoking Is also known to cause kidney, cervical and stomach cancer.
  2. Chewing tobacco causes oral cancer.
  3. People who work at nuclear plant bear a great risk of gene mutation and this may cause various cancers.
  4. Exposure to UV Rays from sun is known to cause skin cancer.
  5. HPV increases the risk of cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancer.
  6. Exercising regularly helps fight obesity which is known to cause prostate, colon, breast, endometrial and lung cancer.
  7. If the blood donor has any form of cancer, he greatly has the chances of transferring cancerous cells through his blood to the recipient.
Cancer can be treated by the following methods:
  1. Chemotherapy includes killing of micro- organisms, mutant and cancerous cells by exposure to chemicals
  2. Radio therapy or radiation therapy is used to treat certain forms of cancer by exposing the affected area or organ to ionized radiations
  3. The affected region or organ can also be surgically removed to remove and discard the cancerous cells and preventing them from spreading further
  4. Other treatment may include angiogenesis inhibitors therapy by cutting out blood supply to tumors, biological therapy, bone marrow transplant, peripheral blood stem cell transplant, gene therapy and targeted cancer therapies.
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johny said...

good posting