Friday, October 8, 2010

Colon Cancer Symptoms

Among several cancers, Colon cancer is also the one getting common now-a-days. Colon cancer is caused due to the growing of cancerous cell in the tissues of the colon. There are several Colon cancer symptoms but they can not be considered as the early sign of this disease. There are several tests which can easily make you understand whether the colon cancer in infected or not and these tests includes the fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) and colonoscopies.

  1. Constipation.In the early stage the waste material in the colon becomes very mushy and this mushy waste can easily get accumulated around anything that gets in its way.
  2. thin stool.If the stool can’t remain in the mushy form and comes out through the colon region, the stool’s shape can provide you information about the problem inside your body. The obstacle which stops the waste material in the body can be a tumor. So, the thin stool coming out from the body is considered as the second symptom among several other colon cancer symptoms.
  3. Stomach cramp.Sometimes there becomes blockage in your stomach due to the tumor which causes problem in passing, solids, liquids, and even gas due to the blockage strictness.

There are several other colon cancer symptoms and all these symptoms will provide you the information about the possibilities of a tumor inside the colon or the stomach but these symptoms are not accurate to judge that the person is suffering from the colon cancer. For knowing that the person is infected by the colon cancer, he/she should test himself/herself with the above mentioned tests.

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jacksen said...

good article for men