Saturday, October 23, 2010

Simple Steps about Colon Cancer Prevention

Colon cancer (also known as bowel cancer or colorectal cancer) is any cancer that affects the last section of the digestive system (usually the colon or rectum). Most cancers of the colon develop from polyps (fleshy growths) in the intestine. If left untreated the cancer in these polyps spreads to the colon and in the worst cases other areas of the body too.Unfortunately it is not known what causes these polyps to become cancerous but there are a number of associated colon cancer risks. Diet is another significant bowel cancer risk factor with excessive consumption of red meats and alcohol and a low fibre intake all linked to the development of this cancer. Other factors that increase your risk of contracting this cancer include a family history of the disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, a lack of exercise and smoking.If cancer does develop it is often accompanied by a number of symptoms. These colon cancer symptoms are often quite mild in the beginning but get worse as the cancer grows. Some of the symptoms are directly associated with the growth of the cancer and include abdominal pain, bloody stools, changing bowel movements and rectal bleeding. If you suspect that you have bowel cancer based on the above symptoms you should consult your doctor immediately. If any of the tests reveal that you have bowel cancer your doctor will start you on a treatment program. Early stage colon cancer is much more treatable than a cancer that has become advanced.Surgery is the most common treatment for bowel cancer with the procedure attempting to extract the cancerous cells from the colon and then stitch it back together. Chemotherapy (the use of anti-cancer medications) and radiotherapy (the use of high energy radiation beams) are sometimes used as colon cancer treatments but are more commonly used to help shrink the cancerous cells prior to surgery and then to reduce the risk of the cancer returning after surgery.Reducing your red meat and alcohol intake whilst eating more fruits, vegetables and other fibre rich foods can also help prevent colon cancer. Giving up smoking is another important lifestyle change for the prevention of both bowel cancer and other cancers too.I hope this article has helped you learn about the symptoms and risk factors for bowel cancer BUT most importantly I hope it inspires you to actively participate in cancer prevention by improving your lifestyle. Colon cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

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siswoyo said...

nice wonderull article

aris said...

Nice article