Friday, October 15, 2010

Symptoms Of leukimia

We all dread by the level mentioning of blood cancer. Study about the various symptoms of blood cancer so that you can get treated before the condition gets serious.Leukemia otherwise blood cancer affects the white blood cells. Its symptoms differ according to the severity of the disease. Symptoms of blood cancer include tiredness, paleness and breathlessness; frequent infections; increased bruising; abnormal bleeding from cuts and gums; heavier periods in women; bone pain; swollen lymph glands; abdominal pain; and even headaches and vision problems. Body of people suffering from leukemia sweats a lot at night. Frequent weight loss, difficulty while urinating, occurrence of fine rashes or dark spots can also be related with blood cancer.It depends upon the phase of cancer. There may be no symptoms in the premature stages, especially in people with chronic leukemia. Many symptoms are indistinct like fever, headaches, weight loss and night sweats.Most of the time, these conditions can be recognized through blood tests. It is essential to get yourself treated and checked when experiencing these symptoms. The treatments of leukemia comprise chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone marrow transplant, steroids and others. Blood cancer is a disease which should be rectified immediately possible to prevent fatal consequences.

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