Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blood Sugar and Cancer

Blood sugar has been linked to the cause of a variety of different cancers. High insulin levels promote and environment that makes it much easier for certain tumor to grow. Research and testing is still being done so it is very hard to make any kind of bold statements regarding blood sugar levels and cancer. However, there is cause for great concern with certain cancers.
Colon and Rectal Cancer
In a Harvard University study that involved more than 50,000 middle aged men, those whose diets were most likely to raise blood sugar fast and high were 32 percent more likely to develop colon and rectal cancer over 20 years.
Breast Cancer
In the Women's Health Study, women who followed a blood sugar-boosting diet were 135 percent more likely to develop breast cancer in seven years than woman whose diets were more blood sugar friendly. Many different studies have shown a huge increase in breast cancer in women that do not follow a blood sugar friendly diet.
Endometrial Cancer
In the Iowa Women's Health Study, which involved more than 23,000 post-menopausal women, those who didn't have diabetes and followed blood sugar-spiking diets were 46 percent more likely to get this cancer over 15 years. An Italian study that compared women who developed endometrial cancer with a similar group of women who didn't found a 110 percent increase in risk linked to this type of diet.An Italian study looked at men ages 46-74 who developed prostate cancer and compared their diets to a group of similar men who didn't get the cancer. Those whose diets were most likely to spike blood sugar were 57 percent more likely to have prostate cancer. A similar Canadian study found a 57 percent increase in risk.
Pancreatic Cancer
Even the organ that produces insulin maybe more prone to cancer if it's constantly bathed in that hormone. A study using data from the Nurses' Health Study over 18 years found that women whose diets raised blood sugar the most were 53 percent more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than women whose diets raised it the least.

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salin said...

nice blogs

Anonymous said...

nice blogspot

pancreatic cancer symptoms said...

November is pancreatic cancer awareness month. The symptoms of pancreatic cancer are not very noticeable in the early stages, making it difficult to diagnose at a time when it can best be treated. Pancreatic cancer is an ugly, dangerous cancer. More people should be aware of it's symptoms, IMO. If there is awareness of the symptoms, it might improve survival rates.