Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Causes and Remedies of cancer

What Is Cancer?Many people are succumbing to cancer and the two biggest factors in this succumbing to cancer are FEAR and IGNORANCE. Cancer's Greek name was "Karkinos." In a nutshell, this is what cancer is physiologically-speaking.When someone has cancer, oxygen levels in the body are very low. The body's alkalinity is also very low. When there's low oxygen and alkalinity, the body's cells become abnormal. The cells of the body communicate with each other passing along vital information. Oxygen feeds the cells and allows for proper communication. Many doctors erroneously say cancer is a proliferation of dead cells, which is not true. Cancer does denote abnormal cell activity and this abnormal cell activity is due to lack of oxygen and low alkaline level which means excessive acid level or acidosis.This is what cancer is! And cancer is the second biggest killer of Americans (right behind heart disease) and Western medical experts predict that in the new millennium, one out of every two Americans will ultimately die of cancer. Cancer is usually the cause of malignant tumors. The white blood cells begin to outnumber the red blood cells. Excessive white blood cell count is almost always indicative of cancer.White blood cells have precursors known as "leukocytes," also called "leukocyte precursors." Leukemia was initially a cancer indicative of Caucasians in general and Caucasian children in particular. I didn't understand why this form of cancer only seemed to occur in white people, especially white children.But when I performed my own research and discovered that leukemia was a cancer found in 30% of dairy cows, it then made all the sense in the world to me why so many white children where dying of this cancer. The leukemia was coming from the cows via their milk and who drank the most milk? White people and white children in particular. Got milk? If milk helps in weight loss, then why are cows so damn big? The Dangers of Chemotherapy and Radiation.In truth, they are not even looking for one because the money is made in keeping people sick, performing surgery, and saturating cancer victims/patients with chemotherapy and radiation.The Cancer industry knows the American people want a miracle pill that they can just pop into their mouth to knock cancer out (which will NEVER happen). Unfortunately for Western allopathic medicine, they treat disease in a one dimensional way.Nearly one million people die from cancer in the United States every year. In all due honesty cancer patients/sufferers are not dying from cancer. They are in effect dying from the cancer treatments - chemotherapy and radiation and the belief that they are going to die (thanks to the unwise doctor telling the cancer patient this).Folks, chemotherapy is POISON! Radiation has no place in the human body, at least not in the body of a healthy and sane person.Radiation is based upon the toxic element "radium oxide," a serious poison to the human body. Radiation is used under the illogical premise of killing the cancerous cells in the body, but how are you going to kill the cancerous cells of the body without harming and killing the good/beneficial cells of the body? Folks, radiation kills ALL cells in an indiscriminate way.

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reda said...

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