Saturday, November 13, 2010

Metastatic Brain Tumors at a Glance

Most individuals that suffer from brain tumors have metastatic brain tumors. When it comes to brain tumor diagnoses, this is the most common type of brain tumor identified in patients. When an individual suffers from this type of tumor, it means that it is a type of cancer that has developed in the brain that has originated from another region of the body.Cancers that affect the lungs, the kidneys, the breasts, the bladder, and other areas of the body may result in the onset of metastatic brain cancer.
There are many symptoms that may develop when an individual develops a metastatic brain tumor. These symptoms come as a result of the fact that tumors have the capability of destroying cells in the brain, the inflammation that typically occurs with tumors, and the pressure that the tumor may cause as it grows.The symptoms that are experienced are typically unique to the individual that experiences them. The following represents the symptoms that may be experienced when a patient has a metastatic brain tumor:
  • Emotional changes are quite common when it comes to those that have brain tumors.
  • For most people that suffer from any type of brain tumor, headaches are common.
  • Cognitive changes and complications are quite common among those that experience a metastatic brain cancer. These may include the inability to retain information as well as they used to, a general form of memory loss, judgment that is impaired, and even complications associated with numbers and basic complications.
  • Many patients will start to experience seizures.
  • Complications with both the vision and the speech are relatively common among patients with this common tumor type.
  • Many will experience a general feeling of malaise that may or may not be accompanied by a low grade to moderate fever when they experience a metastatic brain tumor.
As you can see, there are many challenges for the individual that suffers from a metastatic brain tumor. This is the most common type of tumor that an individual may suffer from. Since doctors deal with this tumor type on a regular basis, there are many treatments available that may assist in eliminating the tumor and/or reducing it in size so that the symptoms are reduced and the patient is more comfortable overall.

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gery said...

wonderfull blog for cancer