Friday, December 17, 2010

Chemical Fertilizers Linked to Brain Cancer

Recent concern has been brought to the attention of farmers, gardeners and the general public in the probable link between chemical fertilizers and cancer. Because cancer has become prevalent amongst our communities, we've seen a popular trend to return to organic living. But as the popularity of organic living soars, so too does the concern of what's being used on the produce we find in our local supermarkets.Over the years, the demand to grow, maintain and even sustain foods with longer shelf life has been taken to a new level. (The more research done, the more scientists realize that these farming techniques, emphasizing quantity rather than quality, means fewer nutrients found in the produce we buy from our local grocery stores.)What has happened is that in order to keep up and compete in the economy, companies, farmers and even gardeners have resorted to using pesticides and chemical fertilizers to enhance their produce. Chemical fertilizers are used to assist a plant's growth and then, once picked, used to make sure it will stay "fresh" through transportation, shelving and eventually to your kitchen. (Again, this is why you want to watch what you purchase in the local produce section.)Scientists have concluded that these chemical fertilizers and pesticides used to "assist" our fruits and vegetables are actually causing cancer. This shouldn't shock you. Think about it. Our bodies are not designed to ingest loads and loads of chemical fertilizers. The thing is, in our attempts to eat "healthy" we are actually introducing unnatural, counterproductive, and cancer-causing chemicals to our body.This warning should be especially given to farmers and gardeners because of their time and direct contact with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Research published in the journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in June of 2007 came to the conclusion that farmers and those who use pesticides and fertilizers (such as gardeners) have a greater risk of developing brain cancer.To determine the connection between brain cancer and weed and feed-type fertilizers, scientists analyzed more than two hundred brain cancer cases and compared them to over four hundred healthy people in a control group. Lifestyle information including the exposure to pesticides or fertilizers was also determined. The study is among the largest to specifically examine the link between occupational and environmental exposure to garden chemicals and brain cancer.It was found that all agricultural workers exposed to pesticides have a slightly greater risk of developing a brain tumor, and of course those exposed to the highest levels have more than twice the risk of developing fatal brain cancer.Similarly, people who use pesticides on household plants were found to be at more than twice the increased risk of developing brain cancer. More research needs to be done to identify the types of garden chemicals that pose the greatest risk for triggering the development of cancer, but needless to say, why take a chance?So whether you are a farmer, gardener, or just a consumer, it is important that you reduce if not eliminate the use and direct contact of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Continue to grow your own fruits and vegetables but do so with the best all natural fertilizer you can find, not only for your safety and health, but for your plants as well.
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john said...

good article for helping brain cancer