Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sex After Prostate Cancer

If ever you need a good reason to get a prostate cancer screening this is it. SEX, for many men, seems to define who we are as people. So the question about the possibility of having sex after being diagnosed with prostate cancer is of interest to many.From a high level, there are four basic stages of prostate cancer in the earlier you are diagnosed with it, the more treatment options are available and they're less likely to have a negative impact on your sex life.The earlier you're diagnosed, the better it is for your life, sex life, and survival. Testing should begin when the typical man is about 50. The two tests include the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test, which is a simple blood test and the DRE or digital rectal examination. This should be done annually for all men after age 50 if only to develop a baseline number and history for future diagnostic informationIf however any of your direct relatives, father, brother or uncles have had prostate cancer, you should be tested and have the annual exam starting around age 40. This is also a good idea if you're black. There are indications that black Americans are at higher risk of contracting prostate cancer and should be checked starting between 40-50 years old.Most of the time, men do not need to worry about prostate cancer if these tests are done regularly as part of an annual physical work up. This is because as cancers go, prostate cancer is relatively slow growing. Make no mistake however, cancer is the second leading cause of death in men after heart disease. And prostate cancer is the second most frequent cancer contracted by men.This type of information should be sickening for you if you're a man or know and love a man. The second highest cancer cause of death is the highly treatable prostate cancer. Why? Well, men do have a tendency to ignore their health much more than women. Waiting until Prostate cancer is in the final stages or metastasizes is almost a death wish.The diagnostic process for prostate cancer is a PSA test followed by a biopsy if deemed necessary. The biopsy will then be analyzed and a Gleason score will be assigned. Many factors are involved in the decision to treat or even not treat prostate cancer. Your age, interest in sex, medical and family history along with test results are all used by you and your doctor to determine the correct course of action.Prostate cancer doesn't mean the end of your sex life. It means that you have cancer that needs to be monitored closely and treated appropriately. Having prostate cancer doesn't stop a healthy sex life. Dying however does!So, talk to your doctor and schedule a prostate exam and blood test. It's the best thing you can do to assure a healthy and long lived sex life.
Source by ezinearticles.com


jameson said...

very usefull tips for prostate cancer and usually good tips for sex today