Monday, November 22, 2010

Best Choices For Prostate Cancer Prevention

More than half of males over age 40 have enlarged prostates resulting to frequent urination and sexual dysfunction.There's no sure way to prevent prostate cancer - but you can make some choices for prostate cancer prevention. Prostate cancer is complicated, and researchers are still trying to understand the full range of factors that cause it - and determine which prostate cancer prevention strategies are safe and most effective. Experts know that diet and lifestyle choices play a part in prostate cancer prevention. Some medications and supplements also show promise.Prostate problems affect almost 90% of males over age 50. While age, genetics and race are factors you can't change, there are some factors you can control for prostate cancer prevention. Here are a few things that you can do to help for prostate cancer prevention. So far, research does not support definite nutritional guidelines.
Prostate cancer rates vary greatly from one country to another, with the highest rates appearing in countries where people tend to eat a lot of fat. A diet high in saturated fats (such as animal fats found in red meat) may pose the greatest risk for prostate cancer prevention. Drink alcohol in moderation. Eating plenty of all kinds of vegetables, including tomatoes, may help ward off prostate cancer. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, herring and mackerel. These foods may help for prostate cancer prevention and other health problems.Prostate problems may become much worse if left untreated. It is estimated that 35% of all prostate surgery patients experience dreadful complications like impotency and incontinence. Just a little prostate swelling can have a serious impact with your urinating and sexual performance. Moreover, drugs and surgery can have disastrous consequences such as impotency and incontinence.
Natural way
There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the healthy functioning of the prostate. Many international scientific journals have published studies showing Beta-Sitosterol to be safe and highly effective without any side effects. Beta-Sitosterol can support good prostate health by maintaining healthy male hormone balance and reducing the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

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johny said...

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