Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Prostate Cancer Treatments

Prostate cancer remains a leading cause of death among men in America. This cancer begins in the prostate gland (the walnut shaped gland that produces seminal fluid). Traditional cancer treatment options vary depending on the stage.T2 or T3 cancer is called metastatic prostate cancer. Prostate cancer treatment options also include diet change options. A high fat diet has been scientifically proven to be associated with a higher risk of this form of cancer; because of this it is recommended that men diagnosed with early or advanced cancer change their diet to a low-fat diet. Lycopene has been seen to the effect in cancer treatments and especially in Metastatic prostate cancer treatment. Vitamin E and vitamin C are also a recommended natural treatment. Overall optimum physical health should be addressed when battling against the prognosis of any form of prostate cancer and proper diet and key diet changes can be very effective in producing optimum health.Emotional health is just as essential as physical health and patients receiving treatment must achieve optimum emotional health. Physicians are recommending that patients receive all of the tools necessary to obtain optimal physical health while receiving prostate cancer treatment and laughter, stress free life style changes and dietary changes are beneficial additives to traditional radiation treatments.

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andi said...

thank very usefull

amira said...

nice blog