Tuesday, October 26, 2010

10 Rules For Prevention colon cancer

Colon Cancer Prevention Tips
  1. Reduce your amount of alcohol consumption. If you are the type of person that likes to drink and you drink a lot, then you need to realize that excessive alcohol consumption has been proven to increase colon cancer risks significantly. However, a glass of red wine with dinner is okay because red wine contains certain antioxidants that have been proven to be effective cancer fighters.
  2. Lose weight. People who are obese are at a high risk for cancer. Many studies have been conducted on the effect of obesity and colon cancer. They have all concluded that people who are obese are at a much higher risk than those of a normal weight.
  3. Stop Smoking. Smoking can transport dangerous carcinogens to your colon. Smoking has also been proven to increase the size of polyps found in the colon.
  4. Get plenty of exercise. People who have a regular exercise regimen have been known to decrease their risk of colon cancer by as much as 40%.
  5. Know your family history. This is very important because there is a strong hereditary link in colon cancer. If any members of your family have colon cancer then your risk increases significantly. Make sure that you doctor is aware of any family history of cancer.
  6. Regular colon cancer screenings. This tip is very important if you are age 50 or older. The older you get, the higher your risk for cancer. Doctors recommend that anyone over the age of 50 have yearly screenings. An early diagnosis is the easiest to cure.
  7. Change your diet. A high fat, low fiber diet, is the perfect diet to feed colon cancer. Get away from red meats, eat more fruits and vegetables and stay away from saturated fats.
  8. Learn the symptoms. Know the symptoms of colon cancer. If you exhibit any of these symptoms, see your doctor right away. The earlier colon cancer is detected and treatment started the better your chances of survival.
  9. Take an aspirin daily. Studies have shown that taking a regular aspirin once a day can decrease the size of any colon polyps, therefore reducing your risk of colon cancer.
  10. Take a good multivitamin. This will increase your overall health and give your body the vitamins and minerals that it needs that you cannot get in foods.
Source by ezinearticles.com


anas said...

good posting

Anonymous said...

wonderfull blog