Sunday, October 31, 2010

Prostate Cancer Treatment With High Grade PIN

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options Improve Survival Rates
As treatment options improve, the survival rates for prostate cancer also improve. This is true for all stages except distant stage (metastasized) prostate cancer (National Cancer Institute Prostate Cancer Trends).When prostate cancer is detected at the earliest stages, patients have the greatest chance for high survival rates.One of the best tests for early detection is a biopsy for PIN or prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. HGPIN spreads slowly through the prostatic ducts similar to the development of prostatic cancer.If the biopsy results are high grade PIN or HGPIN, it is considered one of the most reliable predictors of prostate cancer at this time.
What Are The Prostate Cancer Treatment Options With High Grade PIN?
Many therapies are being tested, including preventive androgen therapy. Most invasive therapies like surgery and radiation are not considered unless there are rapid changes in the PIN biopsies.Early detection of prostate cancer has the added advantage of opening the door for chemoprevention as one prostate cancer treatment option. Chemoprevention involves changes in the patient's lifestyle to avoid or postpone the progress of cancer.One study using green tea extract found 90% prevention of prostate cancer in patients with HGPIN after one year of treatment. Drug studies have found 20-25% prevention of prostate cancer during five-year studies.Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men after skin cancer. African-American men have the highest rate of prostate cancer in the world, running 60% higher than other American men (American Cancer Society, SEER National Cancer Institute).Prostate cancer has been detected in men as young as 20 years old and by age 80 at least 80% of men have this cancer. Because it can take decades to proliferate, considering chemoprevention as part of a patient's prostate cancer treatment options offers more pro-active and positive pathways to health.Men should consult with their primary health care provider for their best prostate cancer treatment options and early detection procedures.
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Anonymous said...

Good job