Friday, October 22, 2010

Skin Cancer and Who is Most at Risk?

If you have read a newspaper or listened to the news over the last few years, then you will know that there are always constant warnings telling us to protect our skin against skin cancer. Whilst many people do listen to these warnings, there are still a shocking amount of people who still ignore them.
Skin Cancer and its Various Forms
Skin cancer is not as rare as some people think that it is. Whilst it is true that staying in the sun unprotected for a little amount of time, rarely leads to skin cancer, it still can occur. There are different forms of skin cancer, though some are extremely rare. The three most common types of skin cancer include:

This is less common than the other two types of skin cancer, though it can be a lot more serious. It develops from the melanocytes in the skin and is usually seen as a pigmented lesion with an irregular shape in the skin. If treated early, the good news is that this type of cancer has a very high cure rate, so get to the doctors as soon as possible for your best chance of recovery!
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Often occurring in the hands, lower lip, and the forehead, this type of cancer appears as a red bump or an ulceration of the skin which does not heal. The cancer if left untreated can spread to lymph nodes within the affected area.
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Usually the cancer is found on areas of the body which have had excessive sun exposure. This type of skin cancer does not usually spread to other parts of the body, and will only spread to the skin around the actual cancer.
Overall, Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common skin cancer but it is not the most serious. Usually people with fair skin are more at risk than others of contracting the cancer, especially people with freckles. Obviously, the longer you expose your skin to the sun without sufficient protection, the more at risk you are of developing skin cancer.
How to Prevent Yourself from Getting Skin Cancer and the Treatments Available
It is really easy to protect yourself against skin cancer, so really there is no excuse for not preventing it. Using an adequate amount of sun protection lotion is a must, and unfortunately many people simply do not bother with it. Generally, children and people with fair skin need to be using a higher protection factor than other people. People with darker skin do not tend to get skin cancer as often as people with lighter skin so they do not need a high factor sun lotion.
Sunbeds are also a cause of skin cancer, though cases are rare. Applying lotion to the ears, nose and neck will help to protect those sensitive areas from the sun.If caught early, most skin cancer can be cured. There are various forms of treatment for skin cancer including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The treatment which you will receive depends upon your age, health and the size of the cancer.

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Auliya Abror said...

great,wonderfull nice article