Monday, November 1, 2010

Discover Ways for Prevent Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, the different ways to prevent cancer include avoiding carcinogens (cancer causing agents), regular check-ups for early detection of pre-cancerous cells, eating right and staying fit. Prevention for different types of cancer vary.As one example, some people focus on diet, and try to avoid "cancer causing foods" and eat ones that help stave it off. Among the most cited cancer causing foods are those that are cooked at high temperatures and create a by-product known as acrylamide. Cancer is caused by abnormalities in a cell's DNA. On a regular basis the American Cancer Society publishes guidelines on the different ways to prevent cancer. Excess weight is not something that people typically associate with cancer, but according to the new study, 14-20% of all cancer deaths in the United States are believed to be associated with excess weight.Although not currently identified as cancer causing foods, avoiding red meat is one of the recommendations from the nutritionists at the American Cancer Society. The list of ways to prevent cancer of the colon, prostrate, endometrium (uterus), gallbladder, kidney and breast include avoiding obesity.When identifying cancer causing foods or other substances that may cause cancer, scientists first use cell lines in laboratory settings. If the substance causes cancer in the animal, then more studies are done to determine the carcinogenic risk to humans.Of the 900 substances studied thus far, 90 have been categorized as substances that cause cancer in humans. Some of the ways to prevent cancer focus on these substances. The American Cancer Society typically focuses on lifestyle choices when recommending ways to prevent cancer. The most obvious of which is lung cancer caused by smoking cigarettes and mouth or throat cancer caused by smokeless or chewing tobacco. Cigar smokers are no safer from cancer than cigarette smokers. Sixty years ago the risk of developing stomach cancer was dramatically higher than it is today. Refrigeration has reduced the number of cancer causing foods by reducing the need for salting, pickling and smoking.Today, when we choose to eat fresh foods, rather than processed foods, we improve our chances of going through life, without developing cancer of the stomach.Those people who use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on a regular basis to control conditions such as arthritis have a lower risk of developing stomach cancer, but these drugs can cause serious gastrointestinal bleeding and are not recommended for use as ways to prevent cancer. Components of the rind of the mangosteen have been studied for their possible use as cancer preventatives and potential use as cancer treatments. The anti-oxidants found in this fruit are some of the most powerful known to man and the anti-inflammatory components inhibit COX-2 enzymes, which cause inflammation, without inhibiting COX-1 enzymes, which protect the lining of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.In conclusion, it may not be possible to avoid all of the cancer causing foods and other carcinogens.

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ujer said...

Nice posting

aresta said...

nice posting