Monday, November 15, 2010

Hematological malignancy is known as blood cancer

Blood cancers affect the production and function of your blood cells. Blood cancers, on the other hand, are cancers found in the blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes or lymphatic tissue. There are three kinds of blood cancer: leukemia- is a type of cancer found in your blood and bone marrow Lymphoma- is a type of blood cancer that affects the lymphatic system: Multiple myelomais a type of blood cancer that specifically targets your plasma cells. A common result of blood cancer is too much or too little blood.
Signs and symptoms:
• Weakness
• Fatigue, Malaise
• Breathlessness
• Minimal body strain results in-bone fractures
• Excessive or easy bruising
• Bleeding gums or frequent nose bleeds
• Recurrent infections or fever
• Excessive sweating of body during night
• Weight loss
• Anorexia
• Lymph node (gland) enlargement
• Lumps or abdominal distension due to enlarged abdominal organs
• Abdominal pain
• Bone pain and Back pain
• Bone fractures from minimal trauma
• Confusion
• Delirium
• Headaches with occurrence of visual difficulties
• Abnormal bleeding in gums nose and cuts, which will result in platelet reduction
Fluid retention
• Decreased urination
• Occurrence of fine rashes on dark spots
• Swelling in the neck, underarm, or groin.
• susceptibility to infections
The treatment depends upon the age and kind of blood cancer.
• Chemotherapy
• Radiation
• Stem Cell Transplants
• Autologous Transplants
• Peripheral Transplant
• Allogeneic Transplant
• Biological Therapy
• Monoclonal antibody therapy
• Antibiotics for infections
• An anti-cancer drug called Velcade (bortezomib)
• Medication
As with the new technologies and treatment many people survive the blood cancer. Blood cancers are more common in adult then children. Determining the stage of cancer actually means gauging its extent. You should check your stage of blood cancer so it will help you to treat easily. Regularly do check up your blood and do your blood test at regular interval.
source by


pebri said...

nice blogspot

jason said...

nice blogspot

salin said...

nice article

bone cancer symptoms said...

Good article, especially the part about multiple myelomais as a plasma related cancer. It seems they don't get as much attention as other types of cancer. My wife had Hodgkin's disease, which is a lymphatic cancer, of course. She had a minor surgery on a neck lymph node, as well chemo and radiation. My younger cousin was recently diagnosed with bone cancer, which is also rare among cancers. If more people are aware of the symptoms, I believe they would be able to get diagnosed earlier, and have a better treatment outcome. Good blog and I hope you can share your knowledge on bone cancer in the future. When a family member gets sick with a cancer, we all want to become experts on the subject. I guess that's how it always is.

darmaji said...

wonderfull blogspot for information about cancer