Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Key to Early Diagnosis from HIV

HIV infection is one of the most distressing and demanding situation a person can get himself into. Although there have been a lot of media-based course available through the Internet and television, there are still numerous people who are unaware about the dangers and the possible effects of the virus to the body.Human Immunodeficiency virus or HIV is an illness that gradually deteriorates the immune system. It now affects as much as 25 million people or at least 0.6% of the world's population according to WHO.Therefore, people who are sexually active are suggested to undergo some HIV examination in order to tract any possibility of an HIV virus strain.Although it is commonly thought of that HIV and AIDS are similar but they are actually not. To illustrate the difference between the two we must define the two in separately. HIV is one type of virus that fit into the group or cluster known as the retrovirus. However, when as the virus begin to swell then reproduce all over a victim's entire body system, it is now then categorized as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS.The method used for testing the presence of HIV in a person's system requires a series of tests which are now used as a protocol for testing HIV. Primarily, a health care practitioner from an STD clinic would carry out a sequence of HIV testing for verifying the presence of HIV in the system. Next, a biochemical methodology employed in immunology called the ELISA or enzyme-linked immune-absorbent testing assay will be used to test the patient's blood. This method is used to find out the chemical responses in the body. Once the patient's blood is tested to be HIV positive, another procedure which is the "Western Blot Testing mechanism" is utilized to confirm the previous findings. Both the ELISA and western blot testing mechanism are used to compare the findings done in both procedures to come up with a cohesive conclusion.Rapid weight loss, dry cough, depression, memory loss, and other neurological disorders, pneumonia, recurring fever, strange blemish or white spots seen on the victim's tongue, mouth and throat are just some of the disease's symptoms.People who are infected with HIV only go through these testing procedures only when the sign and symptoms appear-which is a common perception among a number of people. However, being ill ceaselessly or having colds and flu frequently is not always a sign of infection. It is important to note that people may not exhibit any symptoms at the point of infection which means that the signs and symptoms may be dormant for months or even years. Signs and symptoms of the HIV disease really do comprise some varying types which appear different from one another. As other types of sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes and gonorrhea and herpes have quite explicit kinds of symptoms, the HIV infection, on the other hand, does not. Erroneous diagnosis is a commonly occur which would amplify the condition to some other illness.A wise old adage says, "Prevention is better than cure." Therefore, early detection and analysis is key to proper medication. With the wide array of medical examination tools and testing procedures in the market today that can be utilized, it is very important that we do not allow HIV to threaten our outlook in life. Get an HIV test today!HIV Infection- HIV is affects people from different parts of the world. Therefore, sexually active individuals should get HIV testing for the proper diagnosis of this condition.

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angelica said...

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