The earliest symptoms colon cancer almost always go undetected and unnoticed by most people and it is these innocuous origins that cause the disease to spread unchecked. Colon cancer is now the second leading cause of death amongst all cancers.People over fifty years old run a high-risk of developing colorectal cancer and need to be aware about the symptoms of colon cancer. One needs to be screened soon enough as this disease develops in stages, and the sooner the diagnosis is done, the better one's chances are.Even though colon cancer is mainly prevalent in people above fifty, younger people with a family history of cancer are also at risk of developing this disease. However, the age factor remains a principle risk factor for most cancers, including colon cancer. Anyone over the age fifty is more likely to exhibit the symptoms of colon cancer, and is also highly likely that the years preceding the diagnosis were spent in a pre-cancer state. This is why medical professionals use the term the "high risk factor". If a considerable number of the risk factors put you into a category than you should get a screening by the right doctor. Some of the common risk factors for colon cancer include: age more than fifty years, a personal history of cancer of the breast, entdometrium, rectum, ovary or colon; a history of polyps in the colon or a family history of cancer of any type. Having a sibling who has had colitis or inflammation of the colon or colon cancer also puts you in the high risk category.The most common of all symptoms that are seen in someone who is suffering from colon cancer include changes in bowel movements or changes in regularity, presence of blood in the stool or bleeding from the rectum. Others symptoms that could occur include vomiting, weakness and loss of appetite, pain or cramps in the abdomen, stomach pain, as well as jaundice. The most characteristic of all colon cancer symptoms is the very absence of any symptom at all. Most symptoms occur in an advanced stage of the disease, and depend on the location of the growth.There is more information on colon cancer available thanks to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) that has initiated a program to help inform and screen those who are fifty and older about colon cancer. The program is even applicable to those with little or no insurance. There are five locations set up in the United States. They are Maryland (410-887-3456 or 1-866-632-6566), Jefferson and King Counties (1-800-756-5437) Baltimore, Saint Louis, Nebraska, (1-800-532-2227), Missouri (314-879-6392), Washington in Clallam, and New York, Suffolk County, (631-444-7644).For anywhere else you could call 1-800-4-CANCER.Do not ignore the symptoms of colon cancer, this is a disease that you may have and not even know, and you need to be diagnosed early to prevent any metastasis, improve your chances of prognosis, and prevent your death.
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