Thursday, November 18, 2010

Breast Examination Helps Prevents Breast Cancer

Most people think that breast cancer only strike those who are older. It is true that the older you are the more likely you are to get breast cancer but the younger you are (if you get breast cancer) it can be fatal. If you get breast cancer when you are younger chances are you may die from it.No women want to hear the words ... "You have got Breast Cancer".You definitely look better having two breasts.
Breast Cancer
  1. Most common form of cancer in women - more than 30% of the cancers.
  2. In the US, I out of 8 women will be diagnosed as having breast cancer. In Canada 1 out of 17. And in Malaysia 1 out of 14.
  3. 85% have no family history of breast cancer.
  4. 2nd only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death.
Prevention of breast cancer is also applicable to other forms of cancer.Managing your risk of Breast Cancer - 3 Step Process
1. Prevention (Best)
2. Early detection (Best Alternative)
If you do step (1) chances are low that you will not get cancer. If you do step (2) you may survive.
Prevention of Breast Cancer
1. Maintain BMI below 25 - maintain a healthy body weight.
2. Reduce alcohol consumption.
3. Stop smoking.
4. Take a blood or lymphatic cleanser.
5. Take Phytoestrogens
6. Take Whole Food Antioxidants.
7. Take B-complex vitamins. Avoid HRT.
Your goal is to stay healthy by Prevention. Fibre, Antioxidants and Glucarate all helps to prevent breast cancer.
Early Detection
1. Monthly Breast Self-examination starting at age 20.
2. Clinical Breast Examination every 3 years from age (20-39)
3. Annual mammogram starting at age 40
Why Early Detection?
A woman do not die from breast cancer. It's when it spreads to other vital organs that death occur.Nobody wants to hear the words "You've got cancer". Better not to have cancer. Reasons not wanting to do a Breast Self-Examination.
• It takes time
• Lack of confidence
• Fear

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saleh said...

wonderfull blogspot