Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gynecomastia and Breast Cancer

Most people associate breast cancer with women. Unfortunately, breast cancer is not contained just to women. Men can also get breast cancer, even though approximately 99% of all breast cancer cases occur in women. But one question that many men have is whether men with man boobs, or Gynecomastia, are at a greater risk of developing breast cancer than men who do not have man boobs.Men simply are not aware of the risk that they have for breast cancer, however men who have man boobs often fear it.Men who have male boobs should be worried about breast cancer. In most cases, when a man develops breast cancer - whether or not he has male boobs - the cause is hormonal changesspecifically a rise in estrogen, which is contributed to the development of man boobs. It is important, however, to realize that man boobs is not a definite indication that one will develop breast cancer as well, and breast cancer is not just a threat for men with man boobs. All men can develop breast cancer. Research has shown that approximately 40% of the men who develop man boobs will also develop breast cancer. It is also important for any man, even if he doesn't have man boobs, to be aware of the signs of breast cancer.Approximately 20% of the men who develop breast cancer at some point in life have a family history of breast cancer - from either male or female relatives. In other words, if a man's mother had breast cancer, his risk for developing breast cancer is higher than the average man's - regardless of whether or not he has man boobs.Ironically, while men who have man boobs are at a greater risk of developing breast cancer than men who do not, those who do have male boobs have a greater chance of survival. This is because if you have man boobs, the cancer will typically be further away from the chest cavity, reducing the speed at which the cancer spreads, whereas if you do not have man boobs, the cancer is right next to the chest cavity, and the cancer spreads quickly.

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rissgu said...

wonderfull blogspot

Gynecomastia said...

Thanks to modern technology almost everything now has a solution. Overweight guys would definitely take advantage of this procedure.

Gynicomastia : Treatment - Gynécomastie : Traitement said...

This blog maybe could help - For Those That Don't Want Surgery :

emery said...

Awesome page! I learned something new today. I wish to share this with my friends too. The article is helpful. Thanks for the heads up!
nice post!
gynecomastia, male breast reduction, man boobs, breast in men

male breast reduction said...

Gynecomastia is an abnormal enlargement of the male breast, which can occur to adolescents or the elderly. This condition can be an indicator of other more serious underlying conditions, though is not physically harmful, in some cases, it should be given medical attention immediately.

Osias said...

Male breast reduction (also known as gynecomastia) is the surgical correction of over-developed or enlarged breasts in men.During an excision procedure, the incision is made either on the edge of the nipple (areola) or in the underarm area. The surgeon cuts the excess glandular tissues,skin and fats from around the pigmented area surrounding the areola and from the sides and bottom of the breast.
Liposuction is also used to remove excess fat, a hollow tube (cannula), is inserted directly through the existing incisions. The cannula is attached to a vacuum pump to suction out the fat.