If you are suffering with hemorrhoids, you are not alone. According to the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, you are among the 5% of people who seek treatment at any given time and among the 50% who suffer from the problem at some point in their lives. Hopefully, your condition will not require surgery.Surgery may become necessary if other treatments fail. Most long-term therapies require some degree of dedication on your part. You may need to take a fiber supplement for life. You might need to drink more water on a regular basis. You may be sitting too much.With surgical treatments, there is always a risk of complications and the procedures may not provide hemorrhoid relief. The two most popular procedures have a cure rate of only 70-87%.Complications that have occurred include severe pain, infection, excessive bleeding and nerve damage, loss of the ability to urinate and perforation of the rectum. Pain and infection are the most common complications.The risk of excessive bleeding varies depending on the selected procedure. Rubber band ligation is accompanied by the least risk of bleeding, but the highest risk of pain. The rubber bands are used to cut off circulation to the hemorrhoids. If the bands are not placed correctly, they cause severe pain.The loss of the ability to urinate is called urinary retention. It occurs because the nerves that lead to the bladder are very close to the rectum. Surgery can damage the nerves making it impossible to urinate. Perforation of the rectum occurs rarely and is due primarily to the shape of the surgical instruments.Oftentimes the surgical procedures provide only temporary hemorrhoid relief. People undergoing the procedures should be advised about the necessity of lifestyle or dietary changes. They might need to lose weight, walk more or change the type of exercise they do.The creams commonly used for hemorrhoid relief can cause irritation of the anus and the surrounding skin. The likelihood of irritation depends on many factors, including the ingredients in the cream and patient history of allergic reactions.There are natural and homeopathic remedies for hemorrhoids. Most of them are safe, effective and unaccompanied by side effects. The homeopathic remedies contain a variety of ingredients. Horse chestnut is a common one.Many people get hemorrhoid relief from dietary supplements or oral sprays. With the right treatments, painful hemorrhoids can be cured easily and naturally.
Source by ezinearticles.com
Source by ezinearticles.com
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