Sleep comes naturally to most of us, but to some, sleep seems to be elusive no matter what they try. Insomnia has become more common in our society as our lives become more fast pace and stressful. Insomnia sleep disorder is believed to affect millions of people every year.There are different levels of insomnia. Some people suffer from mild sleeping problems, such as having nightmares, while others are having more serious sleeping problems to the extend that it affects their health, if left untreated. However, there are a shocking number of insomnia sufferers who are not getting treatment for their condition. This will put them in danger of permanently damage their health if their insomnia symptoms continues. If one is lack of sleep for a long period of time, he or she will make irrational choices due to lack of focus and concentration. They may even put their loved ones in danger if they are involved in driving or taking care of young children.Commonly, insomnia is a chronic condition where a person cannot fall asleep. Some people who suffers from insomnia may have intermittent sleep where they keep waking up after falling asleep. The consequences of not able to have a good night sleep are that the sufferers are constantly tired. Therefore, insomnia includes any combination of these conditions, cannot fall asleep and stay asleep, intermittent wakefulness and early morning awakening.The most common causes of insomnia sleep disorder include anxiety, stress and depression. Insomnia may also result from psychological or physical causes. Another cause of insomnia is due to mental illness. Many patients with mental problems are reported to suffer from insomnia as well. Medical conditions such as chronic pain symptoms, congestive heart failure, and Alzheimer's disease can cause sleeping problems too.External factors such as consumption of stimulants can cause insomnia too. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea should be restricted in the hours before bedtime. Insomnia sufferers should cut down on the total intake too. Some people find that drinking alcohol can help them sleep, but being dependent on alcohol for sleeping is not a good idea. Alcohol can bring adverse effects as it can disrupt sleep and cause a sense of non refreshed sleep in the morning. Another external factors that cause insomnia include a disruptive bed partner who snores or have restless leg syndrome.Insomnia can range from mild to severe depending on how often it occurs and for how long. If insomnia lasts for three nights per week for more than a month, the condition can be considered as chronic. Insomnia which last for a shorter period is considered as short term or transient insomnia. If one knows the cause of his or her insomnia, then eliminating the cause can solve the problem. For example, if insomnia is due to medication taken for a medical condition, then stop taking the medication can stop the insomnia too. This type of insomnia is known as secondary insomnia.Fortunately, insomnia can be cured. There are conventional and alternative treatments in the market which can help one get back his sleep. There are also cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnosis therapy to cure insomnia. Other treatments include low dose of antidepressant medications. Alternatively a change of sleep habits and lifestyle can often help relieve insomnia. If you are not sure the right treatment for your insomnia, then seek advice from a specialist. The most important thing is to take action to stop insomnia sleep disorder.
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